(1865 - 1936)
Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (10 August 1865 – 21 March 1936) was a Russian composer of the late Russian Romantic period, music teacher and conductor. He served as director of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory between 1905 and 1928 and was also instrumental in the reorganisation of the institute into the Petrograd Conservatory, then the Leningrad Conservatory, following the Bolshevik Revolution. He continued heading the Conservatory until 1930, though he had left the Soviet Union in 1928 and did not return. The best known student under his tenure during the early Soviet years was Dmitri Shostakovich. While he was the direct successor to Balakirev's nationalism, he tended more towards Borodin's epic grandeur while absorbing a number of other influences. These included Rimsky-Korsakov's orchestral virtuosity, Tchaikovsky's lyricism and Taneyev's contrapuntal skill. Younger composers such as Prokofiev and Shostakovich eventually considered his music old-fashioned while also admitting he remained a composer with an imposing reputation and a stabilizing influence in a time of transition and turmoil.
Alexander Glazunov Composition Timpani and Percussion Requirements
Timpani + 1 percussion
Tubular bells
Raymonda - Complete Ballet
Timpani + 5 percussion
1) snare drum, xylophone, glockenspiel, 2) triangle, tambourine, 3) castanets, tam tam, triangle, 4) clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, 5) orchestral bass drum
Ruses D'Amour
Timpani + 5 percussion
1) xylophone, tambourine, snare drum, 2) glockenspiel, 3) clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, 4) triangle, 5) orchestral bass drum
Scenes De Ballet - Suite
Timpani + 4 percussion
1) tambourine, glockenspiel, snare drum, 2) triangle, 3) clash cymbals, 4) orchestral bass drum
Stenka Razine
Timpani + 1 percussion
Tam tam
The Seasons
Int'l 32/29/26 (poss extra 29) Prem 32/30/28 (poss extra 30) Hi 'F' roll
5 percussion
Glockenspiel, tam tam, triangle, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tambourine, triangle, glockenspiel
Triumphal March
Timpani + 5 percussion
1) glockenspiel, 2) snare drum, 3) clash cymbals, 4) orchestral bass drum, 5) triangle
Valse de Concert
Timpani + 5 percussion
1) glockenspiel, 2) snare drum, 3) clash cymbals, 4) triangle, 5) orchestral bass drum
Violin Concerto
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
3 percussion
Clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, triangle, glockenspiel