Alexander Goedicke

(1877 - 1957)
Alexander Fyodorovich Goedicke was a Russian composer, pianist and organist of German descent. He studied with Safonov and G. Pabst and Arensky at the Moscow Conservatory, graduating in 1898. Alexander Goedicke pursued an unspectacular career on four fronts as composer, pianist, organist and teacher. Alexander Goedicke numbers among a sizeable group of fine Russian musicians who virtually disappeared from view in the Soviet age. His large output of symphonies, operas and chamber music (in addition to works for his own instruments) remains to be explored but, oddly, he is remembered for his Concert Etude for trumpet, which enlivens the sparse concert repertoire of that instrumentano pieces. His ingenuity and pianistic resourcefulness suggest that he had closely studied the transcriptions of Ferruccio Busoni (the undisputed master in this field), and many of the devices of the Italian genius can be heard in Goedicke's scores - octave displacements, interlinked thumbs for middle voices, and a general concern to discover truly pianistic equivalents to the organ's many voices, together with an awareness of church acoustics.

Alexander Goedicke Composition Timpani and Percussion Requirements

Symphony No.2 in A

Timpani + 3 percussion
Tubular bells, xylophone, clash cymbals, tam tam, triangle, orchestral bass drum, snare drum

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