Benjamin Britten

(1913 - 1976)
Benjamin Britten is the most widely performed British 20th century composer and was born in 1913. He studied with Frank Bridge at Royal College of Music. After the war he founded a new English-language opera tradition with works such as Peter Grimes, Billy Budd and The Turn of the Screw now established in the international repertoire. His craftsmanship and versatility produced works for every genre from large-scale symphonic scores to songs and choral works. Britten's recurring themes include conflicts between the outsider and society, innocence and experience, moral good and lurking evil, beauty and passion. His works were performed by leading soloists of day including Peter Pears, Janet Baker, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Mstislav Rostropovich and Julian Bream.

Benjamin Britten Composition Timpani and Percussion Requirements

A Midsummer Night's Dream

No Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Triangle, clash cymbals, tamboruine, gong, 2 wood blocks, vibraphone, glockenspiel, xylophone, piccolo snare drum, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, timpani, 2 bells, celeste. On stage - clash cymbals, 2 wood blocks

Albert Herring

Timpani + 4 percussion
Glockenspiel, castanets, triangle, tam tam, tambourine, wood block, whip, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tenor drum, tubular bells, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, shop bell, castanets

An American Overture

Timpani + 2 percussion
Orchestral bass drum with cymbals attached, tambourine, snare drum, suspended cymbal, tam tam, tubular bells, tenor drum

Ballad of Heroes

Timpani + 2 percussion
Xylophone, clash cymbals, whip, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tenor drum

Billy Budd

Timpani + 6 percussion
Xylophone, glockenspiel, triangle, wood block, tambourine, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, whip, clash cymbals, small gong, 4 drums (on-stage)

Canadian Carnival

Timpani + 2 percussion
Xylophone, small suspended cymbal, large suspended cymbal, snare drum, orchestral bass drum

Cantata Academica, Carmen Basiliense

Timpani + 4 percussion
Glockenspiel, tubular bells, xylophone, clash cymbals, tam tam, triangle, temple blocks, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tambourine

Cello Symphony

Timpani + 2 percussion
Vibraphone, tam tam, tenor drum, tambourine, whip, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, snare drum

Death in Venice - Opera

Timpani + 5 percussion
1) vibraphone, 3 octave glockenspiel, suspended cymbal, tubular bells, snare drum (wire brushes), 2) Eb gong, xylophone, glockenspiel 2 (some 3 octave glockenspiel), small orchestral bass drum (flat), tenor drum, snare drum, suspended cymbal, triangle, 3) marimba, tambourine, large orchestral bass drum (flat), suspended cymbal, scrubbing brushes, 4) 3 toms, 3 Chinese drums, 2 octaves crotales, snare drum, whip, 5) tam tam, small clash cymbals, tenor drum, tuned drum (8" roto tom), whip, 2 octaves crotales, G gong - timpani also need brushes


Timpani + 2/3 percussion
Gong, xylophone, clash cymbals, triangle, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tambourine

Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes

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3 percussion
Tam tam, xylophone, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, tambourine, snare drum, suspended cymbal, bass bells Bb3 & Eb4


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4 percussion
Tam tam, triangle, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, tambourine, snare drum, tenor drum

Matinee Musicales

Timpani + 3 percussion
1) snare drum, wood block, suspended, 2) triangle, clash cymbals, tambourine, suspended cymbal, 3) orchestral bass drum, tenor drum

Noye's Fludde

Timpani + 4 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, tenor drum, snare drum, tambourine, clash cymbals, triangle, whip, tam tam, temple blocks, wind machine, slung mugs, sandpaper blocks, hand bells Eb4, F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb

Occasional Overture

Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, tenor drum, suspended cymbal, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, whip, tam tam, triangle, xylophone - celeste

Owen Wingrave - Opera

No Timpanist + 2 percussion
Timpani, orchestral bass drum, tenor drum, snare drum, tom tom, small and large suspended cymbal, clashed cymbals, small and large gongs, woodblock, whip, xylophone, glockenspiel

Passacaglia from Peter Grimes

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3 percussion
Gong, tam tam, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, tenor drum, snare drum, tambourine

Paul Bunyan - Opera

Timpani (doubling percussion) + 1 percussion
Vibraphone, xylophone, glockenspiel, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, small gong, 2 suspended cymbals, tambourine, triangle, wood block, clash cymbals, 2 trap trays + stage thunder sheet

Peter Grimes - Complete Opera

Timpani + 4 percussion
1) snare drum, triangle,  tam tam, whip, off stage Bb bass bell, off stage tenor drum, on stage kit (kit bass drum, snare drum, ride cymbal, splash cymbal) 2), xylophone, tam tam, tambourine, whip, snare drum, pit tenor drum, 3) clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, tam tam, tambourine, off stage Eb bell, 4) orchestral bass drum, large ratchet, whip, clash cymbals

Phaedra - Opera

Timpani + 2 percussion
1) tubular bell in A, tam tam, clash cymbals (shared), 2) clash cymbals (shared), suspended cymbal, orchestral bass drum, tenor drum

Piano Concerto No 1

Timpani + 3 percussion
1) snare drum, tenor drum,  tambourine, glockenspiel, whip, 2) clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, tam tam, 3) orchestral bass drum

Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet

Timpani (doubling orchestral bass drum) + 7 percussion
1) xylophone, castanets, 2 wood blocks, tubular bells, A & D, 2) vibraphone, tambourine, small timpani C# (roto tom), 3) glockenspiel, orchestral bass drum, (can play timpanists bass drum), 4) snare drum, anvil, small timpani C#, orchestral bass drum, 5) 3 small tom toms, triangle, 2 Chinese drums, 6) clash cymbals, suspended cymbals, small clash cymbals, 7) large and small tam tams, tenor drum

Saint Nicholas

Timpani (doubling percussion) + 3 percussion
1) snare drum, tenor drum, suspended cymbal, (shared with timpani) 2) tambourine, clash cymbals, triangle, 3) orchestral bass drum, whip, tam tam

Scottish Ballad

Timpani + 1 percussion
Clash Cymbals, tam tam, whip, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tambourine

Sinfonia da Requiem

Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
4 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, whip, xylophone, tambourine, snare drum

Soirees Musicales

Timpani + 3 percussion
Xylophone, glockenspiel, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, triangle, tambourine, castanets, snare drum

Spring Symphony

Timpani + 5 percussion
A & Bb3 tubular bells, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, xylophone, vibraphone, wood block, tambourine, castanets, suspended cymbal, whip, triangle, castanets, tenor drum, snare drum

St Nicholas

Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
2 percussion
Tam tam, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, whip, triangle, tambourine, clash cymbals

Suite on English Folk Tunes

Timpani + 2 percussion
1) snare drum, B3 bass bell, 2) triangle, orchestral bass drum

The Ascent of F6

No Timpani + 1 percussion
Glockenspiel, triangle, tambourine, suspended cymbal, woodblock, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum

The Beggars Opera

No timpani + 1 percussion
Timpani, suspended cymbal, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, tambourine, triangle, gong, wood block

The Burning Fiery Furnace

Solo Percussion
5 Chinese tom toms, 3 tone whip, bell lyre in E major + medium bass drum and clash cymbals for other players

The Dark Tower

Timpani + 1 percussion
Eb4 Tubular bell, triangle, tam tam, suspended cymbal, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, gong

The Rape of Lucretia

1 Timpani doubling percussion
3 timpani -32" (Eb - B), 29" (A - E), 26" (D - G#), (easier with 4 timpani), snare drum, tenor drum, small orchestral bass drum, triangle, tam tam 32", whip, tambourine, large suspended cymbal, trap trays

The Rescue of Penelope - Opera

Timpani (doubling percussion) + 2 percussion
1) xylophone, 2) snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tambourine, large wood block, timpanist) clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, whip, tam tam, orchestral bass drum, small gong

Turn of the Screw

Timpani + 4 percussion
Glockenspiel, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tam tam, tubular bells, triangle, wood block set, suspended cymbals x 2, 2 tom toms

Violin Concerto No 1

Timpani + 3 percussion
Triangle, glockenspiel, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, wood block

War Requiem

2 Timpani + 9 percussion (both orch)
Whip, triangle, castanets, wood block, bass bells C4 & F#4, crotales C & (hi) F#, 2 clash cymbals, 2 orchestral bass drums, 2 tam tams, 2 snare drums, vibraphone, glockenspiel, tenor drum, tambourine

Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra

Int'l 32/29/26/23 Prem 32/30/28/25
5 percussion
Tam tam, snare drum, xylophone, wood block, castanets, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, triangle, tambourine, whip, suspended cymbal

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