(1921 - 2006)
Born in Northampton in 1921, Malcolm Arnold is one of the towering musical figures of the 20th century. Arnold has an impressive body of work to his credit including nine symphonies, seven ballets, two operas, one musical, over twenty concertos, two string quartets, and music for brass-band and wind-band. He also wrote 132 film scores, among these are some of the finest works ever composed for film including Bridge on the River Kwai (for which, in 1958, he was one of the first British composers ever to win an Oscar), Inn of the Sixth Happiness (for which he received an Ivor Novello Award in 1958), Hobson’s Choice and Whistle Down the Wind.
Malcolm Arnold Composition Timpani and Percussion Requirements
A Flourish for Orchestra
Timpani + 3 percussion
Tubular bells, glockenspiel, clash cymbals, tam tam, orchestral bass drum
A Grand Grand Festival Overture
Timpani + 3 percussion + extras
Clash cymbals, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, tubular bells. 3 vacuum cleaners, electric polisher, 4 rifles
A Sussex Overture
Timpani + 2 percussion
Xylophone, glockenspiel, snare drum, tam tam, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, wood block, tambourine
Anniversary Overture
Timpani + 1 percussion
Clash cymbals, glockenspiel, tam tam, orchestral bass drum
Beckus the Dandipratt : Comedy Overture
Prem 32/30/28 Int 32/29/26
3 percussion
Snare drum, glockenspiel, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, wood block
Concerto for Clarinet No 2
Timpani + 1 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, snare drum, wood block, cowbell, suspended cymbal
Concerto for Trumpet
Timpani + 1 percussion
Clash cymbals, snare drum, glockenspiel
Electra : Ballet in One Act
Timpani + 4 percussion
1) bongos, 2) timbales, 3) 3 deep tom toms, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, clash cymbals, 4) tubular bells, tam tam, clash cymbals
English Dances Set 1
Timpani + 2 percussion
Wood block, tubular bells, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, tam tam, snare drum, glockenspiel
English Dances Set 2
Timpani + 2 percussion
Snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tubular bells, glockenspiel, 2 x clash cymbals, tambourine, tam tam, suspended cymbal
Fantasy on a Theme of John Field
Timpani + 2 percussion
Clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tam tam, glockenspiel, tambourine, xylophone, castanets
Four Cornish Dances
Timpani + 2 percussion
Tubular bells, clash cymbals, tam tam, vibraphone, orchestral bass drum, suspended cymbal, tambourine, snare drum, tenor drum
Four Irish Dances
Timpani + 2 percussion
Tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals
Four Welsh Dances
Timpani + 3 percussion
Glockenspiel, tam tam, suspended cymbal, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, whip, wood block
Hobson's Choice - Concert Suite (arr Christopher Palmer)
Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
Wood block, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, glockenspiel, suspended cymbal
Little Suite for Orchestra No 4 (arr Philip Lane)
Timpani + 2 percussion
Clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, tam tam, triangle, maracas, snare drum, glockenspiel, xylophone
Little Suite for Orchestra No 5 (arr Philip Lane)
Timpani + 3 percussion
Snare drum, glockenspiel, orchestral bass drum, xylophone, clash cymbals, whip
Manx Suite (Little Suite No 3)
Timpani + 4 percussion
Glockenspiel, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, clash cymbals, G3 tubular bell
Peterloo Overture
Timpani + 4 percussion
Tam tam, orchestral bass drum, 2 snare drums, clash cymbals, tenor drum, tubular bells, glockenspiel
Philharmonic Concerto
Timpani + 3 percussion
Glockenspiel, bongos, tam tam, snare drum, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, tambourine, small orchestral bass drum with clash cymbals attached
Postcard from the Mediterranean (arr Philip Lane)
Timpani (doubling wood block) + 4 percussion
Clash cymbals, glockenspiel, triangle, maracas, bongos, 2 tom toms, guiro, snare drum, xylophone
Roots of Heaven Overture
Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Clash cymbals, tam tam, 3 tom toms, maracas, glockenspiel, orchestral bass drum, celeste
Scottish Dances
Timpani + 1 percussion
Snare drum, suspended cymbal, tam tam, wood block, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals
Suite from "No Love for Johnnie" (arr Philip Lane)
Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
Clash cymbals, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, glockenspiel. celeste
Sweeney Todd Ballet
Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Suspended cymbal, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, snare drum, glockenspiel, wood block, tubular bells, nightingale whistle - celeste
Symphony No 1
Prem 32/30/28 Int 32/29/26
2 percussion
Glockenspiel, snare drum, tam tam
Symphony No 2
Timpani + 2 percussion
Xylophone, glockenspiel, clash cymbals, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, F# tubular bell, tam tam
Symphony No 4
Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, tam tam, bongos, clash cymbals, marimba, orchestral bass drum, maracas, suspended cymbal, 2 tom toms, celeste
Symphony No 5
Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, bongos, deep tom tom, glockenspiel, tubular bells G & B4, celeste
Symphony No 6
Timpani + 3 percussion
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, tambourine, suspended cymbal, tam tam, clash cymbals, tubular bells
Symphony No 7
Timpani + 3 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tam tam, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, wood block, whip, 2 cow bells, conga, bongos, 2 timbales, tubular bells, tenor drum
Symphony No 8
Timpani + 2 percussion
Clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, snare drum, glockenspiel, vibraphone
Tam O'Shanter Overture
Timpani + 3 percussion
Tenor drum, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, whip, low A tubular bell, tam tam, clash cymbals
The Dancing Master - Opera
Timpani + 1 percussion + celeste
Clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, orchestral bass drum, tambourine, castanets, tam tam, snare drum, triangle, wood block, xylophone, glockenspiel, celeste
The Fair Field Overture
Timpani + 2 percussion
Snare drum, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum with clash cymbals attached, tambourine, glockenspiel
The Holly and the Ivy : Fantasy on Christmas Carols (arr Christopher Palmer)
Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
Clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, triangle, sleigh bells, glockenspiel, song bells, tubular bells, tam tam, vibraphone, celeste
The Padstow Lifeboat : March for Orchestra
No Timpani + 3 percussion
Snare drum, orchestral bass drum, suspended cymbal, clash cymbals
The Song of Simeon
Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Glockenspiel, tam tam, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, snare drum, xylophone, tambourine, bongos - celeste