(b. 1937)
The American composer Philip Glass was born on January 31, 1937. Glass is considered one of the most influential music makers of the late 20th century, with his music often controversially described as minimal music, along with the work of the other "major minimalists" Terry Riley and Steve Reich. Though his early mature music shares much with what is normally called "minimalist", he has since evolved stylistically and describes himself as a "Classicist", pointing out that he is trained in harmony and counterpoint and studied such composers as Schubert, JS Bach and Mozart. Philip Glass is a prolific composer and has written works for the musical group which he founded, the Philip Glass Ensemble as well as operas, musical theatre works, ten symphonies, eleven concertos, solo works, chamber music including string quartets and instrumental sonatas, and film scores. Three of his film scores have been nominated for Academy Awards.
Philip Glass Composition Timpani and Percussion Requirements
No Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
Tuned tom toms, snare drum, orchestral bass drum, suspended cymbals, finger cymbals, tubular bells, wood block, celeste
Anima Mundi
Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Glockenspiel, tubular bells, triangle, finger cymbals, wood block, snare drum, log drum
Anniversary Concert Overture
Timpani + 6 percussion + celeste
Glockenspiel, xylophone, marimba, triangle, anvil, clash cymbals, 2 wood blocks, snare drum, tom toms, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, tambourine, celeste
Concerto Fantasy for two Timpanists and Orchestra
Two Solo Timpanists + 6 percussion
9 timpani - soloists
Xylophone, glockenspiel. snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, triangle, tubular bells, wood blocks, tambourine, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, 5 tom toms, tam tam large, marimba, vibraphone
Concerto for Saxophone Quartet and Orchestra
No Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, glockenspiel, triangle, tambourine, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, maracas, hi-hat, wood block, temple block, cow bell, celeste
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Timpani + 4 percussion
Snare drum, orchestral bass drum, wood block, triangle, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal
Concerto Grosso
No Timpani + 1 percussion
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, triangle, tambourine, suspended cymbal, wood block
Days and Nights in Rocinha
Timpani + 6 percussion
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, triangle, marimba, wood block, tambourine, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, xylophone, castanets, tam tam
Double Concerto for Violin and Cello
Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Triangle, woodblock, tom toms, snare drum, tenor drum, suspended cymbal, anvil, tambourine, maracas, tam tam, marimba, glockenspiel, xylophone, celeste
Hydrogen Jukebox
Timpani + 2 percussion
Snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tuned tom toms, triangle, tambourine, cow bells, wood block, anvil, finger cymbals, suspended cymbal, temple block
La Belle et la Bête
No Timpani + 1 percussion
Triangle, suspended cymbal, glockenspiel., tubular bells (Ab, Bb), marimba
No Timpani + 1 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tenor drum, tubular bells, castanets, wood block, maracas, glockenspiel, triangle
No Timpani + 5 percussion
Snare drum, orchestral bass drum, suspended cymbal, tambourine, wood block, triangle, glockenspiel
Timpani + 6 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, wind chimes, tubular bells, glockenspiel, 2 octaves crotales, snare drum, suspended cymbal, clash cymbals, triangle, wood block, vibraphone
Symphony No 10
Timpani + 6 percussion + celeste
Tubular bells, glockenspiel, xylophone, marimba, triangle, anvil, tam tam, clash cymbals, castanets, wood block, snare drum, 2 x tom tom, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, celeste
Symphony No 2
No Timpani + 5 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, glockenspiel, triangle, tubular bells, hi hat, tambourine, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, tam tam, celeste
Symphony No 3
No Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, tambourine, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, triangle, vibraphone, tam tam, castanets, glockenspiel, celeste
Symphony No 8
Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Wood block, tambourine, slapstick, snare drum, tubular bells, glockenspiel, xylophone, vibraphone, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, suspended cymbal, cowbell, hi hat, triangle, maracas, castanets, celeste
Symphony No 1
Timpani + 4 percussion
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, glockenspiel, triangle, tubular bells, tambourine, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, castanets, tam tam, wood block, 4 tom toms
Symphony No 7
Timpani + 5 percussion + celeste
Ratchet, wood block, orchestral bass drum, triangle, xylophone, tom toms x 2, glockenspiel, tam tam, tambourine, suspended cymbal, snare drum, tenor drum, castanets, anvil, shaker, finger cymbals, marimba, celeste
The Baroness and the Pig
No Timpani + 1 percussion
Wood block, snare drum, triangle, tam tam, glockenspiel, marimba
The Canyon
Timpani + 8 percussion
Snare drum, orchestral bass drum, tenor drum, tubular bells, glockenspiel, maracas, 4 wood blocks, triangle, tambourine, ratchet, snare drum
The Fall of the House of Usher
No Timpani + 1 percussion
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, tambourine, suspended cymbal, triangle, wood block, maracas
The Hours
No Timpani + 1 percussion + celeste
Glockenspiel, triangle, celeste
The Juniper Tree
Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, orchestral bass drum, vibraphone, tubular bells, wood block, tambourine, tam tam, car spring, celeste
The Light
Timpani + 4 percussion
Triangle, tambourine, clash cymbals, snare drum, orchestral bass drum
The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five
Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, tom tom, triangle, maracas, cow bell, hi hat, wood block, tambourine, clash cymbals, finger cymbals, castanets, tam tam, xylophone, tubular bells, African drums, glockenspiel, celeste
The Voyage
Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, glockenspiel, triangle, maracas, tubular bells, temple block, wood block, tambourine, clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, finger cymbals, castanets, tam tam, celeste
White Raven
No Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Glockenspiel, snare drum, tenor drum, orchestral bass drum, triangle, maracas, xylophone, wood block, tambourine, clash cymbals, finger cymbals, castanets, tam tam, ref's whistle, celeste