(1864 - 1949)
Richard Strauss was a leading German composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras. He is known for his operas, which include Der Rosenkavalier and Salome; his lieder, especially his Four Last Songs; and his tone poems and other orchestral works, such as Death and Transfiguration, Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks, Also sprach Zarathustra, An Alpine Symphony, and Metamorphosen. Strauss was also a prominent conductor throughout Germany and Austria. Strauss, along with Gustav Mahler, represents the late flowering of German Romanticism after Richard Wagner, in which pioneering subtleties of orchestration are combined with an advanced harmonic style.
Richard Strauss Composition Timpani and Percussion Requirements
Alpine Symphony
2 Timpani
Int'l 32/29/26 + 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28 + 32/30/28
4 percussion
Thunder sheet, triangle, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, suspended cymbal, assorted tuned cowbells with clappers, wind machine
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
3 percussion
Low E bass bell, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, triangle, glockenspiel
Dance of the Seven Veils (from Salome)
2 Timpani + 7 percussion
Tam tam, xylophone, glockenspiel, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, castanets, snare drum, tambourine, triangle
Don Juan
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
3 percussion
Triangle, clash cymbals, glockenspiel
Don Quixote
Int'l 32/29/26/23 Prem 32/30/28/25
3 percussion
Wind machine, snare drum, glockenspiel, triangle, tambourine, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals
Ein Heldenleben
Timpani + 4 percussion
Tam tam, snare drum, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, deep snare drum, triangle
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
Timpani + 6 percussion
Tambourine, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, clash cymbals, triangle, glockenspiel
Symphonia Domestica
Int'l 32/29/26/23 Prem 32/30/28/25
2 percussion
Triangle, glockenspiel, tambourine, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum
Til Eulenspiegel
Int'l 32/29/26/23 Prem 32/30/28/25
4 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, 2 deep snare/tenor drums, triangle, ratchet