(1873 - 1943)
Sergei Rachmaninoff is one of the most popular and performed composers of the 20th century. He studied at the St Petersburg Conservatoire and at the Moscow Conservatoire with Ziloti, Taneyev and Arensky. He graduated on the piano in 1891 and in composition the following year with his opera Aleko receiving the highest grade. His concert debut was in London in 1899, as conductor in The Rock and pianist in Elégie and Prelude in C# minor. The Premiere of his Piano Concerto No.2 in 1901 was one of the most widely programmed of all concert works. In 1906 he conducted operas Francesca da Rimini and The Miserly Knight at Bolshoy. The following decade included many of his most celebrated scores including the Symphony No.2, The Isle of the Dead, The Bells and Vespers. Rachmaninoff left Russia in 1917 and he toured extensively as a pianist. He settled in Switzerland in 1934 and his later works included Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini and Symphonic Dances. His music is well known by memorable soaring melodies, rich orchestration, Romantic chromatic harmonies and a distinctive Russian flavour.
Sergei Rachmaninoff Composition Timpani and Percussion Requirements
Isle of the Dead
Timpani + 2 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals
Piano Concerto No 1
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
2 percussion
Triangle, clash cymbals
Piano Concerto No 2
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
2 percussion
Clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum
Piano Concerto No 3
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
2 percussion
Clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, snare drum
Piano Concerto No 4
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
5 percussion
Triangle, tambourine, snare drum, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum
Rhapsody on Paganini Theme
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
4 percussion
Snare drum, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, triangle, glockenspiel
Spring Waters
Timpani + 4 percussion
1) tambourine, 2) triangle, 3) clash cymbals, suspended cymbal, 4) orchestral bass drum
Symphonic Dances
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
6 percussion
Tubular bells, glockenspiel, xylophone, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, snare drum, tambourine, tam tam, triangle, suspended cymbal
Symphony No 1
Timpani + 5 percussion
Clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, tam tam, triangle, tambourine, snare drum
Symphony No 2
Int'l 32/29/26 Prem 32/30/28
4 percussion
Snare drum, clash cymbals, orchestral bass drum, glockenspiel
Symphony No 3
Timpani + 5 percussion
Snare drum, triangle, tam tam, xylophone, orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, tambourine
The Bells
Timpani + 5 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, clash cymbals, snare drum, A3, B, C#4 & D tubular bells, suspended cymbal, triangle, tambourine, tam tam, xylophone, glockenspiel