Toshio Hosokawa

(b. 1955)
Toshio Hosokawa was born in Hiroshima on 23 October 1955. Following initial studies in piano and composition in Tokyo, he came to Berlin in 1976 to study composition with Isang Yun at the Hochschule der Künste. He continued his studies with Klaus Huber at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg from 1983 to 1986. In 1980, he participated for the first time in the Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music where some of his compositions were performed. From 1990, he was a regular guest of the festival as a tutor. In subsequent years, the Japanese composer’s reputation continued to increase within the international contemporary music scene and Hosokawa received numerous commissions. From 1989 to 1998, the composer was the artistic director and organiser of the annual Akiyoshidai International Contemporary Music Seminar and Festival in Yamagushi which he had co-founded. Since 2001, he has additionally been the artistic director of the Japanese Takefu International Music Festival in Fukuj. He was appointed as permanent guest professor at the Tokyo College of Music in 2004. Hosokawa lives in Nagano, Japan.

Toshio Hosokawa Composition timpani and percussion requirements

Ans Meer

No Timpani + 2 or 4 percussion
2 tam tam, tubular bells, 2 pairs antique cymbals, 6 triangles, orchestral bass drum, 3 rins, timpani, 2 gongs, vibraphone, snare drum

Blossoming II

No Timpani + 1 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, tam tam, 4 Japanese wind glocken

Cello Concerto - In Memory of Toru Takemitsu

No Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
2 tam tams, gong, 2 orchestral bass drums, 8 bongos, glockenspiel, vibraphone, antique cymbals, 3 suspended cymbals, 3 triangles, snare drum,  tubular bells, celeste

Circulating Ocean for Orchestra

No Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
2 orchestral bass drums, 2 tam tams, vibraphone, 8 Japanese wind glocken, antique cymbals, 8 rins, timpani, 7 triangles, bongos, 4 tom toms, glockenspiel, celeste

Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra

No Timpani + 2 or 4 percussion
2 tam tams, tubular bells, 2 pairs antique cymbals, 6 triangles, orchestral bass drum, 3 rins, timpani, 2 gongs, vibraphone, snare drum

Danses Imaginaires

No Timpani + 4 percussion
2 orchestral bass drums, 2 tam tams, vibraphone, 8 Japanese wind glocken, antique cymbals, 8 rins, timpani, 7 triangles, bongos, 4 tom toms, glockenspiel

Danses Imaginaires II

No Timpani + 4 percussion + 1 echo
2 orchestral bass drums large, 2 tam tams large, vibraphone, 8 Japanese wind glocken, antique cymbals, 4 rins, timpani, 7 triangles, 2 pairs bongos, 3 temple bells, 8 tom toms, snare drum, tubular bells
ECHO I: orchestral bass drum, antique cymbals
ECHO II: tam tam, antique cymbals

Ferne-Landschaft I

No Timpani + 4 percussion
2 orchestral bass drums, 2 tam tams, 4 suspended cymbals, wood block, 4 tom toms, claves, vibraphone, whip, snare drum, hyoshigi, antique cymbals

Ferne-Landschaft II

No Timpani + 4 percussion
2 tam tams, 2 orchestral bass drums, 3 gongs, 3 rins, timpani, 2 suspended cymbal, tubular bells, antique cymbals, 2 pairs maracas, 8 tom toms, snare drum, vibraphone, 3 triangles, glockenspiel

Ferne-Landschaft III - Seascapes of Fukuyama

No Timpani + 3 percussion
2 tam tams, orchestral bass drum, gong, antique cymbals, vibraphone, 4 tom toms, 3 rins, timpani, 2 triangles, 3 suspended cymbal, tubular bells

Flute Concerto “Per-Sonare”

No Timpani + 3 percussion + 1 echo
2 tam tams, 2 orchestral bass drums, 2 triangles, temple bell, guiro, glockenspiel, snare drum, 2 gongs, whip, maracas, 3 suspended cymbal, 4 tom toms, wood block
ECHO I: antique cymbals, snare drum, maracas
ECHO II: antique cymbals, snare drum, maracas

Hanjo - Opera in One Act

No Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Orchestral bass drum, 4 tom toms, 2 pairs bongos, vibraphone, marimba, antique cymbals, tubular bells, tam tam, 4 triangles, 4 Japanese wind glocken, 4 rins, timpani, celeste

Landscape III

No Timpani + 4 percussion
2 tam tams, 2 orchestral bass drums, 3 gongs, 2 maracas, guiro, antique cymbals, snare drum, 3 triangles, vibraphone, 3 suspended cymbals, glockenspiel, whip

Matsukaze - Opera in One Act

No Timpani + 2 percussion
Large orchestral bass drum, large tam tam,  antique cymbals, 4 Japanese wind glocken, 4 rins, timpani, 3 triangles, 2 pairs bongos, maracas, 4 tom toms, 5 octave marimba, guiro, sleighbells, wood block, whip

Meditation (2012) to the victims of Tsunami 3.11

No Timpani + 2 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, tam tam, antique cymbals, 4 rins, timpani, 4 bongos, 4 wood blocks

Memory of the Sea - Hiroshima Symphony

No Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
2 orchestral bass drums, 2 tam tams, 2 gongs, 2 pairs antique cymbals, 4 pairs bongos, 6 triangles, 6 tom toms, vibraphone, tubular bells, 3 suspended cymbals, snare drum, glockenspiel, celeste


No Timpani + 2 percussion
2 tam tam, orchestral bass drum, gong, vibraphone, 4 rins, timpani, bongos, antique cymbals, snare drum, 3 triangles

Preludio for Orchestra

Timpani + 3 percussion + celeste
Orchestral bass drum, glockenspiel, antique cymbals, snare drum, tam tam, suspended cymbal, whip, 2 triangles, 5 tom toms, celeste

Re-turning - In memory of Kunio Tsuji

No Timpani + 2 percussion + celeste
Orchestral bass drum, 2 tam tams, antique cymbals, vibraphone, tubular bells, 8 triangles, snare drum, bongos, glockenspiel, 4 rins, timpani, celeste

Seascapes — Oita

No Timpani + 2 percussion
2 tam tams, gong, 6 triangles, 2 orchestral bass drums, 2 suspended cymbal, 2 pairs antique cymbals, 2 pairs bongos, 3 rins, timpani, vibraphone, tubular bells, 4 wood blocks


No Timpani + 2 percussion
2 orchestral bass drum, 2 tam tams, 8 Japanese wind glocken, 2 pairs antique cymbals, 4 rins, timpani, 6 triangles, 8 bongos, guiro

Tabi-bito (Wanderer)

No Timpani + 2 percussion + solo percussion
2 tam tams, 2 gongs, 2 orchestral bass drums, antique cymbals, tubular bells, bongos, 4 triangles, vibraphone, 4 rins, timpani
Solo percussion
Orchestral bass drum, tam tam, conga, bongos, snare drum, 4 tom toms, 4 triangles, antique cymbals, 4 rins, timpani, tambourine, pedal bass drum, 3 or 4 Japanese wind glocken, 2 Tibetan crotales, 4 log drums

The Raven

No Timpani + 1 percussion
Orchestral bass drum, tam tam, antique cymbals, 4 Japanese wind glocken, 4 rins, timpani, 3 triangles, 2 pairs bongos, vibraphone, whip

Utsurohi - Nagi

No Timpani + 4 percussion
2 pairs antique cymbals, 2 tam tams, 2 gongs, vibraphone, 2 orchestral bass drums, 3 suspended cymbals, wind chimes

Vision of Lear - Opera in Two Acts

No Timpani + 2 percussion
2 orchestral bass drum, 2 tam tams, 3 suspended cymbals, 4 pairs bongos, 2 antique cymbals, 3 gongs, 3 triangles, 8 tom toms, snare drum, 7 wood block, lions roar, 4 rins, timpani, xylophone, 2 pairs maracas, vibraphone, glockenspiel, tubular bells, whip

Voice from the Ocean

No Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
2 orchestral bass drum, 2 tam tams, 2 antique cymbals, vibraphone, 8 triangles, 2 maracas, glockenspiel, bongos, guiro, 4 rins, timpani, snare drum, celeste

Voiceless Voice in Hiroshima

No Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
2 orchestral bass drum, 2 tam tams, 8 triangles, whip, 2 snare drums, glockenspiel, 2 gongs, mokusho, 2 pairs maracas, marimba, guiro, antique cymbals, vibraphone, lions roar, 8 tom toms, wood block, stones, bongos, 4 rins, timpani, ratchet, tubular bells, celeste

Wind from the Ocean

No Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Tubular bells, 2 tam tams, 2 orchestral bass drums, snare drum, 4 rins, timpani, glockenspiel, 4 triangles, 3 log drums, antique cymbals, vibraphone, 2 pairs bongos, 2 wood blocks, 12 Japanese wind glocken, 8 tom toms, celeste

Woven Dreams

No Timpani + 4 percussion + celeste
Orchestral bass drum, tam tam, vibraphone, 8 Japanese wind glocken, antique cymbals, 4 rins, timpani, triangle, maracas, tom tom, whip, celeste

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