Coconuts for Hire
This sound was first realised as legitimate effect in 19th Century London where horses pulled carriages and the hooves made the distinctive "clippy cloppy" sound. But it took a missionary returning from the island of Hawaii to link the sound of horses to that of empty coconuts. Coconutopopo as it was known then was purely a souvenir given to the missionary's wife. If she had not dropped the Coconutopopo in the path of an oncoming horses carriage splitting it in two, the sound connection may never have been made. Interestingly, if one were to take two horses hooves and play them either against each other or on the floor the sound is very disappointing. Over time the name has been shortened to the slang coconut and in the modern era, these shells are the professionals choice for horsey sounds.
This sound was first realised as legitimate effect in 19th Century London where horses pulled carriages and the hooves made the distinctive "clippy cloppy" sound. But it took a missionary returning from the island of Hawaii to link the sound of horses to that of empty coconuts. Coconutopopo as it was known then was purely a souvenir given to the missionary's wife. If she had not dropped the Coconutopopo in the path of an oncoming horses carriage splitting it in two, the sound connection may never have been made. Interestingly, if one were to take two horses hooves and play them either against each other or on the floor the sound is very disappointing. Over time the name has been shortened to the slang coconut and in the modern era, these shells are the professionals choice for horsey sounds.